Another side story, focusing on the aftermath of the Kisaragi Foundation, was released on. The first part of an additional side story: 'Queen of Despair' was uploaded to LINUJ's blog on Christmas Day, 2022. An English Fandub of Super Danganronpa Another 2 is currently in development, with the first chapter and prologue fully dubbed as of February, 2021. Numerous translations in multiple languages are currently in-progress. Super Danganronpa Another 2 is fully available in Korean. The game acts as the second and final part of the series. The game is the sequel to LINUJ's first fangame Danganronpa Another ~ Another Despair Academy ( 단간론파 어나더 ~또 하나의 절망학원~), which he finished two years prior to the production of Super Danganronpa Another 2. Super Danganronpa Another 2~ The Moon of Hope and the Sun of Despair~ (슈퍼 단간론파 어나더 2 ~희망의 달과 절망의 태양~), also abbreviated to Super Danganronpa Another 2 or more simply SDRA2, is a complete Korean Fangame made by LINUJ (린유즈).